Proponents call for funding for childcare in rural areas

On dirt roads and rural highways, the Skipworth family drove 75 miles to take their twins to and from kindergarten most days.

Proponents call for funding for childcare in rural areas

Mother of four, Fiona Skipworth is used to traveling for essential services from the family’s estate near Trundle, in western NSW, but access to kindergarten was particularly difficult and expensive.

The twins’ preschool expenses were $300 a week, on top of the cost of childcare and gas.

“It’s very frustrating. There’s a huge gap here to get any early intervention for our kids, let alone families who are struggling,” Ms. Skipworth told AAP.

Life is a little easier now that her 12-year-old son, nine-year-old twins, who have special needs, and her 5-year-old daughter are in school.

A national plan to help families like the Skipworths and tackle early education shortages in rural areas will be unveiled at NSW Parliament House on Wednesday evening.

Campaign group Thrives By Five has developed a five-point plan to improve access and affordability and calls for a specific funding model for early education services in rural areas.

The plan, supported by several rural groups, including the charity Royal Far West, also calls for childcare benefits available to all children, regardless of parents’ income and employment.

The push comes after a study from Victoria University found that nine million Australians live in childcare deserts, defined as areas with three children for every childcare place.

The shortage is large in the country, with 44 percent of people in the inner regions and 61 percent in the outer areas living in deserts for childcare.

Royal Far West CEO Jacqui Emery said rural children are twice as likely to be vulnerable when they attend school compared to urban children.

“Being born in the regions should not disadvantage any Australian child, hinder their development or make it more difficult for families,” Ms. Emery said.

The plan also calls for a review of wages and conditions for workers who learn early to solve skills shortages.

Georgie Dent, executive director of advocacy group The Parenthood, said the industry needs these kinds of shifts.

“Australia should be in a position where every child, regardless of their zip code, indents work patterns, should have access to quality education before they go to school,” Ms. Den.t told AAP.

“These five points form a blueprint. We need to look at the personnel situation urgently.”

Ms. Skipworth, who works in a community family support service, said many rural children were out of line.

She said the rural people deserved better.

“We can’t afford to live in the city. And if we’re not here, who will grow your food?

“We are the backbone of Australia.”

Lori J. Kile
I love to write and create. I love photography, design, travel and art. I am a full time freelance writer and photographer.I am very excited to be creating new content and opportunities for my readers.