Blind Date: Ramon and Pilot Kieran Meet at Leederville’s Newest Eatery Phat Lon

Kieran, 32, says:

I was unsure when I signed up, but then I decided why not; it will be a bit of fun. So I was especially excited because I’d never been on a blind date.

Blind Date: Ramon and Pilot Kieran Meet at Leederville's Newest Eatery Phat Lon

Ramon had just sat at the table when I arrived at Phat Lon. We talked a lot about him. I have some experience in Adelaide performing, and Ramon is a dancer, so we talked a lot about performing and traveling. We have similar aspirations for what we look for in a partner and similar past relationship history. Apart from the performing arts, we don’t have much in common.

He is from South Africa. He has lived here most of his life. He’s a dancer; he’s an influencer. He doesn’t dance much at the moment, but he is also a bit of a choreographer.

It wasn’t a bad date, but I’ll get started right away. I don’t see great long-term potential. We both had fun, but we can probably agree that the best thing about the date was the tamarind pork. It was so delicious. The food was very good. They had an option, which we ended up going for, where you pay a fixed amount, and they select the dishes for you. But the tamarind pork was the highlight by far. All the food was great to the point that when we were leaving, we had to stop at the front desk, and the waiter came and said, “You guys know you don’t have to pay, and we said, ‘Yeah, we just wanted you to tell us how much we love the pork.”

I didn’t pick up on a vibe from him that he was so eager to catch up. And I’d probably like to have a cup of coffee. But, as I said, I don’t see any serious long-term potential, but we both have a lot to do in our lives in the next few months. So dating would probably be just a little more complicated anyway.

Verdict: 7/10

Ramon, 26, says:

I was there before him. I wanted to have my big entrance, but it didn’t happen, and that’s okay. But he shot two minutes later, so it wasn’t too bad.

I was confident in getting ready. I was excited. I just wanted to show my best assets, which are my legs. I’d say my outfit was chic but casual at the same time.

I didn’t have any expectations, but I think my first impression was, “Okay, he’s not my usual type physically, but if he’s got a great personality that’s contagious and he’s very bubbly, and he can hold a conversation, I’m super excited to get to know him”.

When it came to the conversation, I was the one who initiated most of the conversation and asked the questions. I learned a lot about him. He just moved back to Perth. He is very passionate about musical theatre, which I thought was cool because I studied it.

I liked the food. He commented, “the four dishes are enough”. And I’m like, “oh, that’s an appetizer.”

I was like, “so I went to the nude beach with my boyfriend recently, and we just wanted to see what the vibe is like”. At one point, I needed to spice up the conversation because there was no sexual chemistry. There is no flirty atmosphere. So I just threw this in, and it backfired.

It was fun. I like to put myself out there and get to know him. But that was it. And I said to him I was very small. I was like, “so I’m parked here, and your car is there; I wish you all the best with your job, and it was nice meeting you”. And then he would happily kiss my cheek and hug me. And then we just walked away in different ways.

If only he were more optimistic and a little more confident, I think I would have been like, ; Iould see this man again. But he gave me nothing. He is a nice person, just not my personality.

Verdict: 4/10

Lori J. Kile
I love to write and create. I love photography, design, travel and art. I am a full time freelance writer and photographer.I am very excited to be creating new content and opportunities for my readers.