How to Half Swipe on Snapchat for Instagram Story

How to Half Swipe on Snapchat for Instagram Story? Snapchat is an interesting app that allows you to send pictures and videos? But now it has launched a feature called ‘half swipe’ that will enable you to make an image disappear after 2 seconds.

As a Snapchat user, I always look for new ways to get the most out of my favorite app. And Half swipes are a great way to get more likes on your stories!

But just because they’re easy to do doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use them. They can add real value to your content by adding another dimension to your story.

If you’re trying to get more Instagram followers, I’d recommend trying this trick for at least a few days. If you’re already a pro at it, you can try using a different filter every time.


Snapchat Stories for Instagram

ToI is willing to show you how to half-swipe on Snapchat for Instagram stories.

First, let me say that I am not affiliated with any company or brand mentioned in this video.

I like their products and wanted to share them with you.

Let’s get started.

First, we’re going to tap the screen twice.

Then, we’re going to swipe up.

We’ll tap the screen again.

Now, we’ll swipe up and down.

Next, we’ll swipe up and down twice.

Now, we’ll swipe up and down three times.

Finally, we’ll swipe left and right.

Now, we’re going to swipe left and right.

And that’s it!

You should be all set.

So, I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

If you did, please give it a thumbs up, comment below, and don’t forget to subscribe for more videos.

See you soon.

Snapchat Lens

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It’s easy to start doing something online and earning money from it. Remember that you don’t need to go to college or invest much money in building your business. It would help if you were smart about how you leverage your skills.

Chris Brogan writes all the articles and posts in this blog. They may be freely reposted, with credit and a link to the source.

Chris Brogan is the founder and author of Owner Media Group. Could you find out more at his website

This is a great technique that is sure to impress your friends! And with the new update to the Instagram app, this trick is even easier than ever to pull off!


When to use the feature

There are a lot of different ways to use Snapchat. One is the story feature, which allows users to create a series of images or videos they can share with friends.

You can also use the feature to create Instagram Stories. If you know how to use Snapchat, you can make a video and share it directly on Instagram.

This is a simple trick but works great for creating various stories.

I’m not a fan of Snapchat, but I like the half-swipe option. It’s useful because it lets you keep your story going while allowing people to read your comments.

Using the half-swipe option, you can use this trick to make your Instagram stories more interesting.

As you can see, there’s a whole world of possibilities to explore if you have the time. You can start today to learn more about making money online.

How to use it effectively

The first step is to open Snapchat on your phone.

Step 2: Open the camera app and swipe to reveal the icon.

Step 3: Tap the camera icon and select the best camera mode.

Step 4: Now tap the screen, press it down, and when you see the “half swipe” down.

Step 5: Select the photo you want to share and tap “done.”

You can now use the half-swipe feature to share photos or videos from your story.

Half swipe on Snapchat is a feature on the app that allows you to delete one photo and keep the other on your story.

It’s a fun little feature that has become popular among users. The thing is, the way to half-swipe is not as obvious as it seems.

If you’re a beginner, I would recommend trying to half-swipe by tapping on the screen and releasing it. But if you want to learn how to half-swipe properly, follow these steps:

1. Open the camera on your iPhone or Android device

2. Find the red dot on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

3. Press and hold it until you feel it start to vibrate.

4. Release it when you see a tiny square pop up.

5. Half swipe!Snapchat 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What’s your first thought when you hear the term ‘half swipe’?

A: Half-swiping means putting one side of your face in the camera and then the other. The side that doesn’t go in the camera will not appear on Instagram.

Q: Do you use half-swipes for Instagram stories often?

A: Yes, I use it all the time. Half swipes make me look pretty, but it’s also fun. I love to see what other models use on their Instagram stories, and it allows me to see what’s hot for the season.

Q: Do you use different half-swipes for other Instagram stories?

A: Yes, I do. Sometimes, if I’m using it for a video, I’ll change my side of the face in different ways.

Q: How does it work?

A: In Snapchat, there is a little icon with three lines next to your name. Tap it, and a new screen will appear where you can add text and videos. When counting text, there are two options: “Square” or “Half Square.” Choose half square to create a “swipe” effect. You can swipe up to add another photo, tap down to add a video, or tap anywhere else to exit.

Q: How do you edit the photos and videos once you create them?

A: Once you’ve finished creating your photo or video, you can save it, delete it, or save it and make it public. There are three ways to save an image: tap and hold on the top left corner of the screen and choose “Save Image,” tap and hold in the middle of the screen and choose “Save Image,”

Q: What’s the best way to use the half swipe when taking a picture in a story?

A: I love taking photos in stories because they last longer than five minutes, and they allow me to add effects like filters and lenses. I’ve also found some great photographers.

Myths About Snapchat 

1. Instagram Stories are limited to 10 seconds.

2. You can swipe down to remove the story.

3. If you do not tap on the story after it loads, it will disappear.


In conclusion, I hope you learned something new about Snapchat and Instagram Story. I’m sure you’ll have a few ideas now of things you can try to create a better experience for your audience.

I’m excited to see where you go with your online business. I’d love to hear about your progress and any tips you have!

And if you want to make a little extra money, don’t forget to check out my affiliate link below!

As an Instagram user, I’ve noticed people doing interesting things with their stories.

For example, I saw a girl swipe her phone on Snapchat to show off a selfie while recording herself, saying, “I’m half swiping!”

She was using Snapchat to show off her story without sharing it.

Lori J. Kile
I love to write and create. I love photography, design, travel and art. I am a full time freelance writer and photographer.I am very excited to be creating new content and opportunities for my readers.