Albanian government considers extending paid parental leave to new fathers

New fathers could share in up to 20 weeks of paid parental leave under a change in the scheme being considered by the government.

Albanian government considers extending paid parental leave to new fathers

The Albanian government will engage with industry to find ways to encourage more fathers to stay at home and share the parental burden during the first two years of their child’s life.

It follows a plan in the latest Morrison government budget to allow couples to share 20 weeks of available Commonwealth-funded paid parental leave.

Public Services Secretary Bill Shorten said Labor wanted to consult with companies to find ways to help more fathers stay home with their babies.

“The reality is that primary carers have up to 20 weeks, and Amanda Rishworth, the new social services minister, and others are having that conversation,” Mr. Shorten told the Nine Network.

“If you have 20 weeks, and it’s for the primary caregiver, let’s encourage dads if they want to take in more than the two weeks they’re currently allowed to use, we should.”

Camera icon New fathers can get up to 20 weeks of Commonwealth-funded paid parental leave under changes being considered by the government. Nicki Connolly Credit: News Corp Australia

According to a report published in February by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, men currently make up just 12 percent of primary caregivers who have taken paid parental leave in 2021.

The same report found that 91 percent of organizations that provide primary care leave do not discriminate between men and women who take that leave.

But to qualify for Commonwealth Paid Parental Leave, which pays 18 weeks at minimum wage, you must be the “biological mother of a newborn child,” the first primary caregiver of an adopted child, or any other person who cares for a child. Provides under “exceptional circumstances”.

Men currently receive two weeks of Commonwealth-funded “father’s or partner’s wages”.

Georgie Dent, executive director of Parenthood’s family advocacy group, said changes to the Commonwealth’s parental leave system would be a “game changer.”

“This is promising (that) Amanda Rishworth says the government is considering offering fathers 20 weeks of paid parental leave,” she said on social media.

“This would be a game changer for families.”

Camera Icon, Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth – pictured with her son – will consult with industry to assess the best steps for paid parental leave. NCA NewsWire/Andrew Taylor Credit: NCA NewsWire

A spokesperson for Ms. Rishworth said the minister was looking into how best to introduce the more flexible paid parental leave scheme for families.

“We want a PPL scheme that better helps parents find the right balance of time at home with their new baby,” the spokesperson said.

“The Minister of Social Affairs will look at how this can be achieved within the budgeted amount.

“The minister will consult with companies and families to realize this measure.”

Lori J. Kile
I love to write and create. I love photography, design, travel and art. I am a full time freelance writer and photographer.I am very excited to be creating new content and opportunities for my readers.