Why we love fried chicken and how to get it for FREE

These days, there are many ways we like to get our fried chicken fix: from the overly indulgent fried chicken burger to the incredible bite it is on its own.

Why we love fried chicken and how to get it for FREE

We – the whole world – have welcomed the magical experience it offers for a few bites, but how could we not? We get a hit full of flavor in just one bite: salty, crunchy, and juicy.

So, what makes fried chicken so great? And why do we always come back for more?

‘The forgotten sense of taste’

There’s a science behind why we enjoy this tasty treat so much, and it can often be something we don’t necessarily associate when it comes to food: sound.

Psychologist Charles Spence, aka the food scientist changing the way we eat, notes the facts about why sound is crucial to the taste of food, boldly calling it (and rightly so) “the forgotten sense of taste.”

“What we hear when we bite into a dish or take a sip of a drink — whether it’s the crunchy crunch or the fizz from the carbonation in the glass — plays an important role in our multisensory perception of taste,” explains Professor Spencer out. in a 2015 paper published in the journal Flavor.

“Sound plays a critical role in determining how much we like the experience.”

So part of this delicious nosh’s huge success can be attributed to its crispy and crunchy outer layer, and it would explain why we often daydream about digging our teeth into our next fried chicken adventure.

What people like fat, salt, and texture

It’s not just the outer crunch that has wrapped us around its little finger (or our fingers love it more), but the delicious gift inside says a lot about our desire.

Nutritionist Steven Witherly writes about it in his book ‘Why Humans Like Junk Food’; he explains why we are attracted to food like fried chicken. It’s very simple: we find pleasure in fat and salt, and fried chicken is made of these elements, just like the skin.

Additionally, Witherly writes about the juxtaposition of food and the textures that play a big part. Have a Monte Carlo cookie or a Cannoli; we like to eat them not only for one of their textures but also for the pleasure it gives us when we bite into both. You could say we long for a sensory experience of the crispy coating and the tender center of roast chicken, as we find it unique and exciting to taste.

So, where can West Aussies get their mitts on FREE fried chicken?

At every local Red on June 25th between 2-4 pm! Born and raised in WA, Red Rooster has added a new addition to their sustainable menu: fried chicken and they want all West Aussies to taste its crunchy, salty, and juicy flavors. Why? Because they know you will fall in love.

See you there!

Red Rooster is Australia’s favorite chicken shop specializing in Roast AND Baked Chicken – check out their new menu and restaurants today and visit their website.

Lori J. Kile
I love to write and create. I love photography, design, travel and art. I am a full time freelance writer and photographer.I am very excited to be creating new content and opportunities for my readers.